John Deere 7R330

John Deere 7R330

Brand:John Deere

John Deere 7R330

2020 John Deere 7R330

Ultimate Edition

50km IVT

4600 Command Center

Ultimate Comfort R2

Airseat and Cab suspension

Command Pro

Hydraulic powersteering

Engine 9.0L FT4

85CC Hydraulic pump

Five remote scv’s

PTO 540e/1000/1000e

Triple link suspsended front axle

IF620/75R30 front tires

IF 710/75R42 rear tires

Ultimate visibility R2

Front fender 620mm wide

Rear fender x-wide

Intelligent power management

Foot speed control throttle

Front hitch and pto

Integrated beacon lights

250 Amp altenator

Dual air and dual hydraulic trailer brakes


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